There are three points to keep in mind when settling on a particular mechanical seal design. Any solvents, cleansers, or steam that may be put into the system to flush or clean the lines must be chemically compatible with all seal materials. Also included are any barrier fluids needed to lubricate the movement of two mechanical seals. If the seal faces separate, the seal will leak, particles will be able to enter between the faces, and the lapping surfaces will be destroyed. A mechanical seal has a good life if it can be used until the carbon face is completely worn away. A seal failure is defined like any other problem. Thus, it’s crucial to determine which materials will best protect against wear and prolong the seal’s life. To do this, you need a solution that is effective at preventing leaks and durable enough to last as long as possible in your particular setting.
There are two temperature limits to consider when choosing a seal: the components of the seal and the fluid being pumped. Prepare for the worst-case scenario. Knowing the properties of the liquid you’re seeking to seal off is crucial since many fluids undergo phase changes from liquid to gas, solid, or crystal when heated. Make sure you know which o-rings and gaskets will work with your chosen mechanical seal before you buy. Any potential line cleaners or solvents that might come into contact with the seal should be considered when selecting an o-ring or other elastomer.
Get in touch with Junty immediately if you’re having trouble deciding on a reliable mechanical seal manufacturer. We’re glad to provide a hand. Just get in touch with us straight now!